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About us
The workshop committed to providing quality piano service. In addition to tuning services, but also providing regulation, voicing, removal and piano sale etc.
Piano has 88 keys, 230s strings, the internal complex structure contains numerous accessories group, to ensure the proper functioning of the piano, really need to have a tuner with good intention and regularly inspection. We hope that each piano can be played its proper performance, be able to satisfy the needs of users, so that the player can show incisively and vividly.




鍾先生擁有多年鋼琴工作經驗,除了出身於香港柏斯琴行,接受全面的專業調音技術訓練之外,還跟隨YAMAHA 認可文憑資深技師學藝和培訓。


Workshop Founder Presentation

Mr Chung holds a professional qualification in piano tuning and holds a US accreditation certificate. He graduated from the Hong Kong International School of Music in 2012 and achieved Trinity College ATCL with excellent results. He have many years of piano work experience and worked in Hong Kong Parsons Music, undergo a comprehensive tuning technical training, and also to follow the YAMAHA recognized diploma technician apprenticeship and training.

In between 2014--2016, he went to Australia to provide piano services for studio, school, church, music education center and local residents.




  • 絕不隱含收費 

  • 免費報價 

  • 7天工作

Insured & Guaranteed 

  • No Hidden Cost

  • Free Inquiry

  • 7 Days Work

曾服務機構包括 Serviced organizations included

澳洲服務機構 In Australia

  • 澳洲雪梨Redfield學院 Redfield College Sydney

  • 澳洲雪梨基督教福音宣教會 Christian Gospel Mission

  • 澳洲雪梨澳基督教播道會活石堂 Living Stone Evangelical Free Church of Australia

香港服務機構及學校 In Hong Kong

  • 香港科技大學 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • 香港國際音樂學校 Hong Kong International Institute of Music

  • 香港浸會大學附屬 學校王錦輝中小學

  • 港大同學會書院

  • 香港中文大學校友會聯會陳震夏中學 CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School

  • Beacon Hill School 畢架山小學

  • 山頂德瑞國際學校 German Swiss International School

  • Nord Anglia 國際學校 Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong

  • 迦密柏雨中學 Carmel Pak U Secondary School

  • 鄭植之中學 Cheng Chek Chee Secondary School

  • 聖公會林護紀念中學 SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School

  • 聖公會聖十架小學

  • 聖公會田灣始南小學

  • 聖公會林裘謀中學 SKH Lam Kau Mow Secondary School

  • 聖公會聖匠中學 SKH Holy Carpenter Secondary School

  • 大角咀天主教小學

  • 明愛莊月明中學

  • 聖嘉祿學校

  • 聖保祿學校

  • 獻主會小學

  • 香港青年協會李兆基書院

  • 香港道教聯合會圓玄學院陳呂重德紀念學校

  • 香港專業教育學院(柴灣)

  • 香港仔浸信會呂明才書院



  • 華証行(海事)有限公司

  • Aureus Academy 

  • Cedar Academy

  • 九肚山麗坪路88號雲端

  • 香港迪士尼 Hong Kong Disneyland

  • 海洋水手號 Mariner of the Seas

  • 香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre

  • ​柏茵音樂院 Parkland Music Limited

  • 會所一號 Club ONE

  • 成和青少年中心 Hong Kong Children & Youth Services

  • Nova Music Academy

  • 救世軍兒童之家 The Salvation Army Children's Home

  • 西沙浸信會

  • 基督書院沙田

  • 香港神學院 Bible Seminary of Hong Kong

  • ​粉嶺浸信會 Fanling Baptist Church​​

  • ​中國基督教播道會恩福堂EFCC- Yan Fook Church

  • 宣道會大窩口堂 C & M A Tai Wo Hau Church

  • 基督教香港聯合五旬節教會上環恩典堂 United Pentecostal Church of Hong Kong Sheung Wan Grace Church

  • 酒吧 Salon Number 10

  • 南港島教育中心 South Hong Kong Island Institute

  • 安娜安玲國際音樂學校 Bravo Artists Performance Academy 

  • 凱琴琴行 Hoi Kam Music

  • 風琴行 Wind's Music 

  • 時代琴行 Time's Music

  • 成功琴行 Success Piano Co.

  • 御金·國峯會所 Coronation Circle Clubhouse

  • 豪廷峰會所 Le Sommet Clubhouse

  • ​半山一號會所 Celestial Heights Clubhouse

  • 明德軒

  • 天主教母佑會蕭明中學 Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School

  • 港澳信義會明道小學 Hong Kong and Macau Lutheran Church Ming Tao Primary School

  • 香港青年協會李兆基小學 HKFYG Lee Shau Kee Primary School

  • 中華傳道會李賢堯紀念中學 CNEC Lee I Yao Memorial Secondary School

  • 香港教育大學賽馬會小學 The Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School

  • 佛教林金殿紀念小學  Buddhist Lim Kim Tian Memorial Primary School

  • 寶血會培靈學校 Pui Ling School of the Precious Blood

  • ​南亞路德會沐恩中學SALEM-Immanuel Lutheran College

  • 保良局建造商會學校HKCA Po Leung Kuk School

  • 靈光小學 Emmanuel Primary School

  • 德福幼稚園 Telford Gardens Kindergarten

  • 天樂幼稚園 Talent Kindergarten

  • ...


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